Cloud / Data Centers – Page 2 – Technology Navigation Inc.

Cloud / Data Centers

Cloud Integration: What is the Best Strategy  

Cloud Integration: What is the Best Strategy  

April 13, 2022

Many of our clients are looking to my team for guidance on cloud services, applications, and transport. Some of the questions asked are “what should be in the cloud?, how does it integrate and how do I get there? The

Data Center Energy: fear the future?

Data Center Energy: fear the future?

March 30, 2022

We are all aware of the fossil fuels and energy dependency in the datacenter realm. This is based on the real problem of energy and power, where the exponential growth of big data analysis, cryptocurrency, streaming video, Artificial Intelligence (AI),

Multi-cloud Strategy: the more, the merrier 

Multi-cloud Strategy: the more, the merrier 

February 8, 2022

Cloud technology has been highly adopted by businesses across the country. According to Gartner, 85% of enterprises will adopt a cloud first strategy by 2025.   What comes next? Cloud diversification: the process by which a business uses multiple cloud environments