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To fear or not to fear? What you need to know about AI for CCaaS

To fear or not to fear? What you need to know about AI for CCaaS

July 18, 2023

The contact center landscape is undergoing a rapid transformation due to the advent of AI, which is revolutionizing various aspects such as interaction handling, workforce optimization, and training. Some clients are looking to embrace this technology while maintaining their core values and identity; others are afraid...

VIDEO: Is SD-WAN right for your organization?

VIDEO: Is SD-WAN right for your organization?

July 3, 2023

Does your organization need a replacement for the traditional Wide Area Networks? Learn about why SD-WAN is the solution you were looking for and how Technology Navigation can help you determine the right SD-WAN supplier for your specific needs.

How to leverage MS Teams and integrate it with your UCaaS

How to leverage MS Teams and integrate it with your UCaaS

June 30, 2023

In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, effective communication and collaboration are paramount for the success of any organization. Many businesses have already embraced Microsoft Teams (MS Teams) as their go-to platform for team collaboration and want to integrate MS Teams with their UCaaS or use it...

VIDEO: What is SASE?

VIDEO: What is SASE?

June 7, 2023

Thinking of security and SD-WAN? Then SASE is definitely for you. More than just another security mechanism, the Secure Access Service Edge is a framework. Learn more about it here!

What is Penetration testing? Does your company need it?

What is Penetration testing? Does your company need it?

April 26, 2023

Existing infrastructure and conventional planning can fall short when designing a cybersecurity strategy. Instead, clients need to think from a hacker’s perspective and figure out system vulnerabilities before the damage happens. A lot like the Hollywood flick “Minority Report,” where