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Navigating to the Future: the Power of SASE for Network Security

Navigating to the Future: the Power of SASE for Network Security
By John Wircher
Director of Client Engagement

In the current modern networking landscape, one term has emerged as a beacon of innovation and transformation: SASE. Secure Access Service Edge, abbreviated as SASE, is not merely a buzzword; it represents a fundamental shift in how organizations approach network security, particularly in the context of implementing SD-WAN solutions.

Understanding the Evolution of Network Security

While SD-WAN offers unparalleled benefits in terms of agility and performance, concerns surrounding security have often overshadowed its adoption. However, SASE presents a paradigmatic solution, seamlessly integrating robust security measures within the SD-WAN framework to create a comprehensive and cohesive approach to network security.

The Core Components of SASE

At its core, SASE leverages the foundational elements of SD-WAN, harnessing its capabilities for efficient and dynamic network connectivity. However, what sets SASE apart is its seamless integration of robust security measures within the SD-WAN framework. Imagine a scenario where the redundancy, policy enforcement, and quality of service (QoS) features of SD-WAN are complemented by powerful firewall protection, all orchestrated through a centralized management system. This is precisely what SASE brings to the table – a holistic approach to networking and security that transcends traditional silos.

Challenges in Selecting the Right SASE Solution

With great power comes great responsibility, and choosing the right SASE solution for your organization can be a daunting task. With numerous vendors vying for attention and a myriad of technical specifications to consider, navigating this complex landscape requires expertise and insight. This is where Technology Navigation steps in.

The Role of Technology Navigation

Technology Navigation is a guide amidst the fog of confusion surrounding SASE procurement. Our team of experts specializes in helping businesses identify the perfect SASE supplier that aligns with their specific needs and objectives. Whether you prioritize scalability, performance, or regulatory compliance, we meticulously analyze your requirements to recommend the most suitable SASE technology tailored to your organization. Contact us!

VIDEO: 4 Aspects to Consider when Choosing and Maintaining Your Microsoft Solution

VIDEO:  4 Aspects to Consider when Choosing and Maintaining Your Microsoft Solution

Navigate the complex world of Microsoft licensing with ease! Learn the top 4 aspects you need to consider when selecting and maintaining your Microsoft Solution. From optimizing licenses to strategic renewal planning, we’ve got you covered. Plus, learn how Technology Navigation can simplify the process and find the perfect CSP for your organization’s needs.

Enhance Your Network Connectivity with SD-WAN: A Game-Changer for IT Solutions

Enhance Your Network Connectivity with SD-WAN: A Game-Changer for IT Solutions

While embarking on the wave of current IT trends, one technology stands out as a transformative force – SD-WAN. However, before diving in, it’s crucial to ask: does SD-WAN align with the unique needs of your organization? In this blog post, we’ll delve into the distinctive advantages of SD-WAN, offering insights to help you ascertain whether it’s the perfect fit for optimizing your IT infrastructure.

Dynamic, Policy-Based Application Path Selection

SD-WAN, or Software-Defined Wide Area Network, serves as a contemporary replacement for traditional Wide Area Networks (WANs). Its defining feature lies in its ability to offer dynamic, policy-based application path selection and Quality of Service (QoS)-based routing. This means you can prioritize elements in your network’s communications, leading to improved efficiency and performance.

Enhanced Redundancy and Resiliency

One of the key advantages of SD-WAN is its capability to increase redundancy and resiliency across all your locations. In the event of a circuit failure, SD-WAN seamlessly redirects the traffic to an available circuit, ensuring uninterrupted operations. This redundancy feature is crucial for maintaining a stable and reliable network, especially for organizations with multiple locations.

Cost-Effective Connectivity

SD-WAN allows you to connect lower-cost transport with multiple methodologies for your corporate, remote, and contract users. Whether your organization has a single location or thousands, SD-WAN can optimize network connection capabilities and provide a cost-effective solution for your connectivity needs.

Seamless Cloud Connectivity

Embracing the cloud? SD-WAN facilitates seamless connectivity with both private and public cloud environments. This ensures that your organization can fully leverage the benefits of cloud services without compromising on network performance.

Direct Connection for Software and Applications

Concerned about the connectivity of your company’s software and applications? SD-WAN allows the direct connection of customized Software as a Service (SaaS) and applications to the Internet. This streamlined approach enhances overall network efficiency and ensures a smooth user experience.

Is SD-WAN Right for You?

The answer lies in your organization’s specific requirements. If you need improved network performance, enhanced redundancy, cost-effective connectivity, and seamless integration with the cloud, then SD-WAN is undoubtedly the right choice for you.

Technology Navigation: Your SD-WAN Solution Partner

Determining the right SD-WAN supplier for your organization can be a complex task. That’s where Technology Navigation comes in. We specialize in handling the most challenging aspects of sourcing an IT solution, including requirement determination, supplier handling, contract negotiation, augmented installation, and ongoing support.

Let us guide you through the process of sourcing, installing, and supporting your SD-WAN solution. With Technology Navigation, you can maximize the benefits of SD-WAN without the hassle of navigating the intricacies of the IT landscape. Contact us today to start your journey towards a more efficient and resilient network infrastructure.

Navigating Budget Planning Season: How an IT Advisor Can Be Your Financial Compass

Navigating Budget Planning Season: How an IT Advisor Can Be Your Financial Compass

The saying “The future belongs to those who plan for it today” has gained profound relevance, particularly during the final months of each year.   Get ready because budget season has arrived, and one of the most challenging responsibilities is finding ways to cut costs!  In this era of constant change, partnering with seasoned IT advisors isn’t just an option; it’s a necessity not only to survive but to thrive in the year ahead.

Technology Navigation’s role is to assist in tackling various scenarios for our clients.   Centering on where costs can be minimized and understanding the corresponding impacts, all aimed at achieving or exceeding objectives.  We significantly decrease the time and effort required for budget planning.

Drawing from over two centuries of combined industry expertise and an extensive portfolio of 800+ suppliers, we offer our clients realistic market cost assessments for current, competitive, and future solutions.

This is done by providing:

  • Market Research: Presenting current market research, supplier/technology trends and analysist reports for solutions. This aids in understanding the direction of each technology vertical and associated trajectory.
  • Supplier Quotes: Acquiring quotes from suppliers across our eight technology-focused sectors (see below). These quotes play a pivotal role in generating precise cost estimates. We collaborate with both your existing and rival suppliers to provide “real world” figures.
  • Project Scope Definition:  Assisting in defining a rational scope for each project requiring budget allocation.  Documenting the objectives, positive outcomes, and conditions of each undertaking.
  • Labor Costs:  Identifying the labor expenditures tied to the project and associated deployment. Factor in the time commitments of IT personnel, contractors, or consultants who will be engaged in the process.

In summary, remove uncertainty during your budget season without needing direct communication with suppliers.  We are here to help identify your cost-reduction opportunities and formulate solutions and strategies. Here are all the technology verticals in which we are experts:

Let Technology Navigation help your organization in its budget planning for 2024. Contact us here.