UCaaS – Technology Navigation Inc.

VIDEO: 4 Aspects to Consider when Choosing and Maintaining Your Microsoft Solution

VIDEO:  4 Aspects to Consider when Choosing and Maintaining Your Microsoft Solution

Navigate the complex world of Microsoft licensing with ease! Learn the top 4 aspects you need to consider when selecting and maintaining your Microsoft Solution. From optimizing licenses to strategic renewal planning, we’ve got you covered. Plus, learn how Technology Navigation can simplify the process and find the perfect CSP for your organization’s needs.

How to leverage MS Teams and integrate it with your UCaaS

How to leverage MS Teams and integrate it with your UCaaS
By John Witcher
Director of Client Engagement

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, effective communication and collaboration are paramount for the success of any organization. Many businesses have already embraced Microsoft Teams (MS Teams) as their go-to platform for team collaboration and want to integrate MS Teams with their UCaaS or use it as their UCaaS platform in totality.

The integration of Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS) with MS Teams is a powerful solution that can enhance your team’s communication and productivity, reduce complexity and lower costs. In this blog, we aim to shed light on this untapped potential, providing you with the necessary steps, recommendations, and insights to seamless UCaaS integration with Microsoft Teams.

Understanding UCaaS and MS Teams

UCaaS is a cloud-based communication solution that has various tools like voice calling, video conferencing, instant messaging, SMS text, WhatsApp, AI, transcription, and presence management in one place.

Microsoft Teams (MS Teams), on the other hand, is included with every type of MS License and is the prevalent collaboration platform known for its robust features, including internal and external communication, file sharing, and project management. 

Integrating UCaaS with MS Teams consolidates communication channels, allowing users to access MS Teams voice/video calls, instant messaging, and collaborative workspaces within a single application as well as leveraging their UCaaS advanced technologies that MS Teams does not provide:

  • Enhanced IVR/PBX, associated management, and reporting
  • SMS text
  • AI and associated technology
  • WhatsApp
  • Contact Center and Workforce Management
  • Transcription

This saves time and simplifies workflows by eliminating the need for switching between multiple tools and enhances productivity by facilitating efficient collaboration, as well as increases the communication mediums, technologies, and management capabilities of MS Teams.

Benefits of UCaaS and MS Teams Integration

UCaaS integration with MS Teams offers a range of benefits that significantly enhance communication and collaboration within organizations.

Cost Savings

By consolidating various communication channels into a single platform, businesses can reduce the expenses associated with managing multiple tools with MS Teams integration.

Improved Efficiency

UCaaS integration improves efficiency and productivity for teams. With UCaaS and MS Teams working seamlessly together, employees can communicate, collaborate, access information more efficiently, use additional enhanced technologies, leading to faster decision-making and smoother workflows.

More Flexibility

Employees to communicate and collaborate from any location or device either from MS Teams or the UCaaS platform. Whether they are in the office, working remotely, or on the go, the integrated UCaaS and MS Teams solution ensures that teams stay connected and productive.

The final takeaway

In conclusion, integrating UCaaS with MS Teams can unlock a world of benefits for organizations. By consolidating communication channels, businesses can save costs and improve efficiency. Moreover, the enhanced collaboration features and flexibility enable seamless teamwork.

If you are considering UCaaS and Microsoft Teams integration for your organization, Technology Navigation is here to make your transition as seamless as possible. Connect with us.

Security and UCaaS: finding the perfect balance  

Security and UCaaS: finding the perfect balance  

By Chis Newell
Founder & President

Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS) providers are tempting targets for cybercriminals and hackers. How do organizations take advantage of all the benefits UCaaS provides, but also be ensured it is a secure solution?  

For businesses, the biggest appeal of UCaaS is the ability to consolidate voice and telephony services, instant messaging, email / voicemail, collaboration / meeting solutions, and communication-enabled apps into one cloud-based functionality. It is a power tool. Not only does it drop all those components into one cloud-based environment, but it also takes away the high cost of capital investment in upgrading equipment and creates cost flexibility.  

All this “data” bundled up in one ecosystem makes UCaaS a very enticing opportunity for the likes of cybercriminals and hackers. Whether you are in the market to change suppliers or upgrade to UCaaS, there are a few security matters that should be reviewed before signing on the dotted line.  

Security Protocols  

Security protocols have always has been important, but in the COVID-19 era they have been magnified to new heights. Think about the sheer amount of video conference and online conference calls your company has had since March 2020. Now recall on how many shared screens with proprietary information were virtually shared back and forth.  

Not to mention attachments, screenshots, and shared logins and passwords! When you add in all the times employees have logged in from home, their mobile devices, at the coffee shop, back porch, and everywhere else under the sun, you can see how imperative to have security protocols in place while using UCaaS applications.  

User Access and Controls 

It has taken some time for companies to understand that not every single person who uses the system needs access to the whole system. Just like you would not give every employee at a corporation a key to the CEO’s office, not every employee needs access to all data and features in the UCaaS environment. Permission profiles should differ for the different roles within a company, creating specific profiles for each person to assign rights and levels of permission to complete tasks.  

The all-time “it can happen to you” example that gives this directive weight occurred in 2013 when Target saw 70 million customer credit card numbers swiped from its database thanks to hackers who stole the login credentials from a third-party vendor.  

A company that sold Target freezers for its grocery store section needed access to just one thing – an app for submitting invoices. Instead, it had access to Target’s entire system through a universal profile and when its credentials were swiped via malware, Target’s data vault was cracked wide open.  

Data Encryption & Compliance  

When you are on calls, how secure is the call from hackers while you are in communication? It is vital for the solution to have calls encrypted. Not only do you need to ensure your voice traffic is secured, but when the supplier is storing your data it is important to understand the type of encryption being used.  

Clients are now adopting SASE principles along with SDWAN to further protect voice and collaboration communications for work from home, remote employees as well as office goers.  The combination of this level of security and resiliency is vital for highly secured communications.  

If your industry has compliance regulations to adhere to, making sure the supplier that you are working with has the required compliance accreditations is necessary. Even if it is not required, understanding what is included in these compliance accreditations can ensure that your provider has the proper security protocols deployed within their solution set. To name a few; HIPAA, SOC 2, Fedramp, FERPA, and GDPR.  


UCaaS is a smart financial, technological, and business move that allows companies to consolidate resources and reduce costs. But without the proper safety protocols in place, the risk outweighs the rewards. 

Zoom – UCaaS: All you need to know

Zoom – UCaaS: All you need to know

By Chis Newell
Founder & President

UCaaS migrations have moved into hyperdrive in 2020 because of Covid-19. Companies who were waiting for their migration to UCaaS have pushed this initiative to the forefront of their projects.  

In addition, organizations who were on lackluster UCaaS solutions with limited features are now looking at top UCaaS providers to supply them with the feature functionality they need to keep communication and collaboration going. With much of the workforce still “at home”, it is fully understandable why UCaaS is more important than ever. 

The list of suppliers competing for this business continues to change and evolve. Cisco purchased Broadsoft in 2018, which generated shockwaves across to the UCaaS industry as there are thousands of UCaaS providers using the BroadSoft platform as the backbone of their solution. However, one of the largest announcement as of late has been Zoom Conferencing, who officially entered the UCaaS arena in 2019, just in time for the Covid-19 lockdowns.   The other latest announcement is 8×8 purchasing Fuze in 2022.  

If you have Zoom today 

Zoom “Enterprise Cloud Phone System” has provided the ease of use that we enjoy from Zoom Meetings and has applied it to a UCaaS solution. This is backed by a solid backbone and scalable/redundant platform that has successfully absorbed the tremendous number of new Zoom Meetings and UCaaS since 2019. 

There are plenty of features that Zoom provides on their platform. However, being relatively new to the UCaaS solution there are gaps. The Zoom application that is used on smart phones and desktops has strong feature/functionality.  

Pro’s and con’s  

For most SMB clients, they expect their UCaaS or phone system to also act as their contact center solution. With Zoom, there are limitations in how this solution can be configured for contact center services and it also lacks the omnichannel feature set that most CCaaS solutions are known for.  

To combat this, Zoom has partnered with Five9, Genesys and others to supply clients the integration between CCaaS and UCaaS. While not the same platforms, there is a decent level of integration.  

Out of the gate, Zoom appears to have a strong offering with their UCaaS product, but it is important to weigh all the requirements for your solution and make the right decision. Each supplier in the UCaaS arena has aspects of their solution that are stronger than others. Looking at all the relevant suppliers will give you a full scope of what the industry has to offer. My team and I look forward to helping you make this important decision.